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Ende 2022 werden wir unsere kostenlose App bei Google Play und im App Store veröffentlichen. Weitere Details folgen.

Low Brass Netzwerk-App


Future Plans

The Low Brass Network App will have several key features critical to improving the low brass community’s experience and technical abilities. Currently, students are manually assigned to teachers through the officer team via a survey (see Section 2.1). This method is inefficient and takes a lot of time. Thus, the app’s primary feature will focus on automating the process, which will be the student-teacher connection page.

The app will use a digital program to match students to teachers based on their specific needs. Students can also create profiles showcasing the best of their work and add personal information they want the teacher to view. Teachers share the same privilege and can add information to their profiles that they might feel benefits prospective students. Moreover, teachers are eligible to record their service hours and other benefits if the lessons provided are free.

Additionally, the app will have a sight-reading feature that provides challenging sheet music for all low brass musicians to sight-read, with the pieces changing every day. The LBN app also features some interactive games for musicians to improve their music-related vocabulary, and incorporates social media to post their best low brass-related highlights. 

We expect the app to be able to significantly grow our membership, making the sign-up process easier across all spectrums. These app features will also be on our website. The Public Beta release will occur in early 2024, with full release likely occurring at the start of the 4th Quarter of 2024.

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